About Me

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I LOVE to design and to paint whimsical items that will put a smile on your face. Each day I share my simple life with you as I try to encourage, to inspire and sometimes JUST to make you smile as I recount my life growing up on a dairy farm! I've never had many material items in my life, BUT I have been blessed beyond words with love and encouragement from WONDERFUL Parents who instilled in me WHAT was important. I have had EVERYTHING that I needed and WAY too much of what I wanted. I am slowly learning to be a better person each day through my interactions with my friends on Facebook. Some day I hope to be as good as people seem to THINK I am! I am BLESSED! Welcome to my little corner of the world...Please stop by and visit often!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Random Ramblings...Monday, January 27, 2104

WELL, I think I have officially BECOME my mother…I watched the Grammy’s last night and I found Beyonce’s opening act to be offensive to being a LADY and found it QUITE Vulgar and crass…Don’t bother sending me nasty comments, I don’t CARE…It is MY opinion…ugh…Boy, I’m glad MY MOMMA never acted like that!!!!!! As Mother would have said, TRASH, TRASH, TRASH…she would have been right…

I did, however, find many moments that brought a smile to my face.  I LOVED what LL Cool J had to say in his opening about MUSIC and how it joins us TOGETHER…I was proud of the way that most people acted in being respectful of each other.  It was good to see so many different genres of music being performed and how much respect was shown to the performers…NO, I do NOT get heavy metal…and most hip hop makes me grab the remote control so fast, your head will spin…BUT all in all it was a good show.

I love music and I have had YEARS of taking piano, organ, and voice lessons…NO, I’m no expert, but I DO understand Music and have a WORKING knowledge of music…I KNOW when someone is FLAT, or off-key and I can tell when voices blend and when they don’t…I’ve directed too many choir numbers to count…I’ve played so many preludes, postludes and offertories that I would need LOTS of people to lend me their fingers…I had someone IMPLY that I didn’t know what I was talking about recently when I made a comment about a singing show when I shared my opinion…ODD thing is, I DID know what I was talking about, but even with THAT, it was JUST my opinion.  It SURE was NOT worth arguing about…

I’ve learned that there is no need to argue with people in life…We believe what we believe and SELDOM do we care to change our beliefs…Sad, huh!!  We have so much to learn from each other when we open our ears, hearts and hard heads…When we apologize to someone that we offend, THEN that is really all we can do…it is THEIR problem at that point…

I’ve also discovered that there are SOME people out there who DON’T care about my Opinion…GASP!!!!  ROFL…

When I would make comments about a certain singer, my mother would often say, WELL, they are singing ALL the way to the BANK…yep, I reckon…;)

I love to learn about other people and what makes them tick…I’ve learned which friends I can have these discussions with though…LOL…I enjoy hearing what and WHY people believe as they do, and I have found that SO MANY people really have no clue WHY they believe in something…FEW have ever done the research…THAT frustrates me…

I can go along with MANY things that people say, BUT NEVER will I be able to ACCEPT those who BELIEVE that the KING JAMES VERSION is the ONE and ONLY Bible…sigh…Repeat after me…THE KING JAMES VERSION OF THE BIBLE IS A TRANSLATION…IT is NO different than ANY other translation…I always thought this was something that people said, UNTIL one day, I had left my car radio on a country, small town radio and I turned the car on and could NOT move BECAUSE the preacher was telling ME and every other listener that THEY WERE going to HELL IF they did NOT use the KJV…REALLY?  I always ask people WHY they believe this and they have NEVER been able to tell me WHY other than that is just what they have been taught…THAT is another subject I’ve learned to leave alone…WELL, except for JUST now…LOL..I DO WONDER if these people realize that what we call the BIBLE, was originally written in Greek and Hebrew…HOW many people do YOU know that KNOW Greek and Hebrew…;)…I wonder if they REALIZE that there are BOOKS that were CHOSEN not to be included in the Bible that we have today?

I guess I’m in a ramblin’ mood today…I NEED to go to sleep, BUT as soon as I do, then MY BOYS start acting up…Roamie GUARDS his food bowl from Barney…He sleeps RIGHT next to it most of the time…AND Roamie will start eating his food when Barney gets on HIS blanket…Barney just sleeps and Roamie eats and BARKS at the cat…the CAT does NOT care…What Roamie does NOT understand is that WHEN he goes to sleep, THEN Barney comes and eats the food, or takes it out with his paw as he looks for that PERFECT piece to play ice hockey with on the floor…I can’t win..

Roamie is eating EVEN thought Barney has moved on...
This is Barney's reaction to Roamie Barking at him...NOTHING!

Tonight Barney came over to the couch walking around with a mouse in his mouth…After playing with the mouse and knocking over my artwork, I am sure the mouse escaped…THAT is now two for two that has gotten away…grrrr…WELCOME to my corner of the world…

This is what happens when Roamie goes to sleep...yep, that the beginning of the PILE he takes out...

I hope that Today will be a GREAT DAY…STAY WARM and safe and HAVE FUN…Listen to the Music that makes YOU happy…Read the translation of the BIBLE that makes YOU happy…Snuggle with THOSE that make you happy…JUST BE HAPPY…Blessings to YOU…~charlotte♥

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