About Me

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I LOVE to design and to paint whimsical items that will put a smile on your face. Each day I share my simple life with you as I try to encourage, to inspire and sometimes JUST to make you smile as I recount my life growing up on a dairy farm! I've never had many material items in my life, BUT I have been blessed beyond words with love and encouragement from WONDERFUL Parents who instilled in me WHAT was important. I have had EVERYTHING that I needed and WAY too much of what I wanted. I am slowly learning to be a better person each day through my interactions with my friends on Facebook. Some day I hope to be as good as people seem to THINK I am! I am BLESSED! Welcome to my little corner of the world...Please stop by and visit often!

Monday, January 13, 2014

My Happy Charlie...Monday, January 13, 2014

Someone asked me the other day how Prince Charlie came into my life.  I think it is time for another post about Charlie and how he came to live with me.

Last Christmas, my friend, Lynn Smith Barbadora of Painting Thyme Needfuls shared the antics of her elf, Les.  Les was named after a dear friend of hers and many other of my Facebook friends who left this early too quickly almost a year ago.  Les was made by Miss Brenda Griffith from The Rusty Thimble.  Lynn lost most of her treasures in a house fire on Cape Cod almost 6 months ago and sadly, Les went to Elf Heaven.  Miss Brenda made Lynn a new elf, named Hinkley.  My friends were having so much fun with their elves, SO I JUST KNEW that I had to have one…

Lynn's Elf, Hinkley, lives in Cape Cod
Lynn's Blog is: http://www.paintingthymeneedfuls.blogspot.com
Miss Brenda's Blog is: http://www.therustythimble.blogspot.com 
SO as a Christmas Gift to ME, Charlie was adopted by me to live with me in Middle Tennessee.  Oh the joy he has brought to my life and to so many who get to read from time to time about his antics!  For the MOST part, Charlie is WELL behaved, BUT he ALWAYS seems to be getting into SOMETHING that I don’t expect—both good and bad.

Charlie has a vocabulary all his own, I am learning…He likes Chicken NOOBLE soup…

Dairy Queen WIZARDS (Blizzards is how DQ markets them) BE-NUT Putter Cups is a favorite!

Cackle Roni and Me’s (macaroni and cheese)

Charlie is likely to disappear for some time…I will HAVE to keep a closer eye on him because it seems that BARNEY (the teenage kitten) likes to STUFF him in BOXES CLAIMING he was HELPING me put up the Christmas decorations…FUNNY, I don’t remember HAVING any Christmas Decorations to PUT UP!

Charlie HAS tried his hand at cooking…HE attempted to make some fruit salad, but he did NOT peel any of the fruit and HE seemed to be interested ONLY in the Peanut Butter M&Ms and the Ghiradelli Peppermint squares…I think Charlie succeeded in making a VERY NICE fruit bowl…

Knitting did NOT turn out well either…I was awakened by Charlie yelling for HELP!!  Oh, Charlie…

Charlie tends to FIND things while I am sleeping…THIS is the result of his playing with the printer…I am SO glad that he kept his pants on!!

Charlie did NOT like the cold ARCTIC VORTEX that we had on Sunday Night…

I have learned that I MUST keep my power tools UNPLUGGED at all times.

Charlie also LIKES to sing and play the autoharp!

BUT of ALL the Antics that Charlie has gotten into, I am MOST proud of WHAT I found him doing on Sunday night.  I found him holding my Mother’s tattered Bible in his lap.  He said that he had Gramma’s Bible because he was praying for Hinkley and Wilbur’s family.  Lynn (Hinkley’s Mama) had a granddaughter, Natalie, born on Saturday and Charlie wanted to lift that family in prayer as they welcome Natalie into their family.  

My friend Kathy, who lives in Arborg, Canada and whom I LEARNED is NOT a YANKEE…ROFL but MAYBE an Eskimo…is the Mama of Wilbur.  Kathy’s granddaughter, Kynley Hope, is FIGHTING to heal from her second major heart surgery in her short six month old life…SHE needs all of our prayers and that family needs prayers because they are EXHAUSTED!  

I am so PROUD of Charlie for KNOWING the ONE to WHOM he should turn when his heart is heavy…I HOPE you ALSO know THE ONE who LOVES you the BEST and the MOST…RELY on HIS GRACE…Blessings to YOU…~charlotte♥


  1. OH Charlotte Charlie is a good boy, I have been praying for Lynn and Kathy's families.
    I am so glad that Charlie has a wonderful loving home
    Hugs to you have a wonderful week

    1. Charlie DOES love his cousin elves...I'm so glad that he was CRAFTED and CREATED in and with LOVE because No matter WHAT he gets into, he STILL has a good heart and that is NOT by accident...I just think you MIGHT have pricked your finger once or twice and let a WORD slip that he KNOWS now...BWAH...

      Keeping our friends in our hearts and YOU too...thank you, Miss Brenda! =) xoxo

  2. Charlie is the bestest! He's so handsome & VERY creative. But, as you said, his heart knows his Father! Love you Charlie!

  3. His 'cuz' is living down here in Florida and says HEY! My Elfie is more of a lanai elf although he has been hanging out in the doll room a lot lately! Have fun!

  4. oh, dear...WATCH out...WHEN he gets in the doll room and STARTS to interact...WELL, I'm just thinking that you should BE very careful BECAUSE things MIGHT start happening...LOL..

  5. I still miss sweet Les and I always will Charlotte but I am so glad that Les did so much to bring so many friends together from all over! Charlie is simply charming !


Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world. In case you haven't been told, you are loved!~~charlotte♡