About Me

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I LOVE to design and to paint whimsical items that will put a smile on your face. Each day I share my simple life with you as I try to encourage, to inspire and sometimes JUST to make you smile as I recount my life growing up on a dairy farm! I've never had many material items in my life, BUT I have been blessed beyond words with love and encouragement from WONDERFUL Parents who instilled in me WHAT was important. I have had EVERYTHING that I needed and WAY too much of what I wanted. I am slowly learning to be a better person each day through my interactions with my friends on Facebook. Some day I hope to be as good as people seem to THINK I am! I am BLESSED! Welcome to my little corner of the world...Please stop by and visit often!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Monday Musings~~Happy Anniversary

65 years ago today, My Parents married.

It was a time far different from our world today.

Values were different.

Work ethics were different.

Families were different.

People married and intended to stay married, instead of agreeing to divorce if things got too difficult.

Streets were safer.

Neighbors visited.

Neighbors knew who their neighbors were.

People went to church as families and pulled together when there was a need in the community.

Parents supported Teachers and worked together to form carnivals to raise money, instead of teaching children to become sales people.

Children were taught to respect their elders.

Nothing less than Yes m’am/sir and No m’am/sir was tolerated when answering a question.

Adults were allowed to “correct” any child without fear of retaliation, and strangely enough, it was expected.

Hayrides were entertainment, and oddly enough, where my parents met.

Yes, many more people smoked than do now, and drinking wasn’t quite as popular, but it was still around, because kids will always be kids!

Voting was a privilege and you didn’t tell everyone for whom you voted, and few people asked, because they understood that it was a freedom.

There was no social media.

Gossip was “heard” via party line phones.

The women played Bridge.  The men played Pitch.  Families/Couples played Rook.

Friends gathered socially on frequent occasions.

Doctors made house calls.

Families cared for their aging family members instead of tucking them away, often out of sight, out of mind.

Men belonged to “Men’s Clubs” and ladies had “Home Demonstration Clubs”, with each of these groups having a theme to HELP their community.

Children were not involved in activities 7 days a week, but instead, usually chose one special event.

There were very few “key latch kids”.

A parent often stayed home to raise the kids, themselves.  It wasn’t easy, but the financial sacrifice in order to “invest” in a child was worth the trade.

The family unit was strong, often including Grandparents/Aunts/Uncles/Cousins forming a village.

Americans employed Americans. BUT, America also welcomed those from foreign countries, and yes, Americans even grumbled back then about immigrants.

There were very few free handouts to people who refused to work.

You used something until it broke, and when it broke, it was repaired. (And once it broke, it was BROKEN—learn the proper use of that word, people!!)

You learned to “make do” until you could afford to buy something. 

Women gave birth without being “knocked out” and felt the pain~~I think this would be a wonderful form of birth control to those “popping out babies” with no thought of how to provide for them.

Gifts were given and the recipient was happy to get the gift, and didn’t care if the “color didn’t match their color scheme”.

TV signed off each night with the National Anthem.

Children played outside together. 

Children did chores as part of the family.

People dressed in their best clothes to go to events.  

People dressed to go to town to shop and to support the local businessmen.

Women raised eggs and sold them to buy household “extravagants” such as a Hosier Cabinet.

Families visited the sick in hospitals, and the children, safely, waited in the lobby.

Families gave comfort by attending visitations and funerals, and food was ALWAYS provided for the families.

Boys raised money by having paper routes, and selling the Local Papers on the town square.

People read newspapers.  They read the funnies every Sunday morning to the kids.

Glass soda bottles were gathered and returned so a child could have pocket money.

People bought ice at the “ice house.”

Stores didn’t take all day to walk across from end-to-end.

Country folks got dressed up and went to “the city” to buy special items.

Sunday afternoon drives were a treat and ALWAYS ended with a visit under someone’s big ole oak tree.

You never went to visit without taking a hostess gift.

Drinks, if only water, were always offered to a guest, but few “country folks” didn’t have a dessert stashed away for the weekend.

Children sat and LISTENED when visiting.

Children ALWAYS got up to give a seat to his/her elder.

PLEASE and THANK YOU were considered “magic words that would open any door with ease”.

Yeah and Naw were considered extremely poor manners.

Children were disciplined…Yes, SPANKED!  OR sent to the car…

Special treats were available only at Christmas~~Christmas Candy, Coconut/Jam/Fruit Cakes, raisins, chocolate drops…

Families sacrificed for their country~~they had just lived through 2 world wars.

A person’s “rights” STOPPED where another person’s “rights” STARTED, and this was taught to the children.

County Fairs were a big deal!

Cotton Candy and Candy Apples were all the talk when thinking about going to the fair, because that was the only place to get them once a year!

Waiting was a gift! Instant gratification was NOT the norm.

Children didn’t run families and a parent being a child’s “best friend” was an insane thought and didn’t happen.

The list could go on and on…

It was not perfect during 1951.

It isn’t perfect in 2016.

Some things are better.

Some things are gut-wrenching.

I HOPE that you are living your life with values that MATTER.

My parents were NOT perfect, but they tried to teach us the best they could, AND NEVER did they tell us not to do something that they themselves did.  For that, I am most thankful.

I have discovered that few people were honored to be raised as I was, and that makes me sad.  I knew the love of TWO GOLDLY PARENTS…I miss them more than words can express, but NEVER will I fail to recognize the sacrifices they made for me and the opportunities they offered to me.  I am so thankful that I was able to care for them throughout their lives.  If you are blessed to have your parents, TAKE CARE OF THEM…empty chairs SUCK…Blessings to YOU…~charlotte♡


  1. You are so right with everything you posted. This world has changed for the worse. Children and some adults do not know how to be responsible for their actions. It is easier to blame others for their situation. Ohhh dont me started. HUGS to you Charlotte...I hope others read your truthful post.

  2. So true! You inspired some wonderful memories to show up this morning. Love you!

  3. Yes the world is a very different place from when we grew up Ms Charlotte. I too was blessed with loving parents and unforgettable childhood memories. My Daddy went to HEAVEN 17 years ago and I still cry each and ever holiday and special event at his "empty chair" . I am beyond blessed to still have my Mom .


Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world. In case you haven't been told, you are loved!~~charlotte♡