About Me

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I LOVE to design and to paint whimsical items that will put a smile on your face. Each day I share my simple life with you as I try to encourage, to inspire and sometimes JUST to make you smile as I recount my life growing up on a dairy farm! I've never had many material items in my life, BUT I have been blessed beyond words with love and encouragement from WONDERFUL Parents who instilled in me WHAT was important. I have had EVERYTHING that I needed and WAY too much of what I wanted. I am slowly learning to be a better person each day through my interactions with my friends on Facebook. Some day I hope to be as good as people seem to THINK I am! I am BLESSED! Welcome to my little corner of the world...Please stop by and visit often!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Pasta Salad is SERVED with some more Memories...Saturday, July 19, 2014

Antipasta, Antipesto, Antiposto?????  WHY am I even attempting ANYTHING that might be close to Italian??  I already told you that where I grew up, we did NOT have very many different cultures~~we had Blacks and we had Whites and yes, we had ONE Jewish family that ran the local FANCY SMASHY Men’s store uptown~~Paul’s (I think)…LOL…

I didn’t personally know people who experienced much about all the horrible crimes that happened during the 60s because we were raised to believe that people were people…NOW, I will NOT lie and say that people didn’t “have their places” because yes, there was very much a divide in WHERE people lived, WHERE people went to school and WHAT a person did for a living.

Many of the Blacks in my county were sharecroppers…AND there was NOTHING wrong with that.  My Granddaddy was a sharecropper (Daddy’s Father) and it was an honorable life.  Many white families moved from farm to farm to help work the crops, too.  Housing was usually provided for sharecroppers.  I can honestly say, that I spent more time as a child with people of color than I did with White people…I was lovingly rocked by the ladies who would help Mother with the chores while their husbands and father’s worked the fields alongside my Daddy and brother…Son and Nanny, Emma Dee and BoJack and Hadley welcomed me and my brother into their house just like anyone else…I felt the LOVE they had for me and I felt the same about them…I can remember as a child going to visit the older Black Ladies that Mother had grown to love on the farm…We were FRIENDS…we worked and played SIDE BY SIDE.

I can only tell a perspective from MY POINT of view, because I only lived my life…I am sure my friends have other views and feelings…I just think we need to treat people fairly~~no matter of their color or sex…GOD is the final judge on HOW people live their lives.

Because of this lack of diversity, as I stated in my last post, we did NOT have different foods from different cultures growing up because we simply didn’t have PEOPLE from different cultures to teach us!  My Parent’s did a WONDERFUL job making sure that I and my brothers got opportunities to VISIT other cultures so that we could LEARN to appreciate their customs and yes, the FOODS!!

I have travelled throughout this great land to 38 states and to Canada and South America and have witnessed our beautiful country and tasted the wonderful cooking that families have passed down from generation to generation. 

I don’t know why I am sharing a PASTA SALAD with you, BUT I just love this!!  It’s like a tray of Italian Goodness all thrown into a BOWL…I was buying it at a local market but it was SO expensive for a pint that I decided that I could make a GALLON for the same price!  =)  hmmmmm…does THAT sound familiar??!!  

As I am writing this, today is the 63rd Wedding Anniversary of when my Parent’s married…When Daddy died in 2003, I would tease Mother that Daddy took his wedding vows SERIOUSLY and he got out of the “contract” the ONLY way he could!!  They had been married almost 52 years when Daddy died…I sit here and STILL find it hard to believe they no longer walk this earth, but I KNOW they are at peace and having the most glorious Family Reunion and that one day I will join them also!  BUT now is not the time, so I do my best to Joyfully attempt to follow the path that I am meant to travel…

Daddy would have HATED this recipe.  He was a meat and ‘taters guy and could HONESTLY eat the same thing every day as long as he had meat and white loaf bread!!

I have shown the picture of the Pasta Salad in Mother and Daddy’s Wedding Place Setting~~Desert Rose…This is an original Soup Bowl that I use most EVERY week at least ONCE as my way to connect with the family they started…I KNOW it is JUST a BOWL, but that bowl represents a UNION that was formed…a Union they BOTH worked VERY HARD to keep alive…NO, they were not perfect and they did NOT have a perfect marriage…they experienced heartache, hurt feelings, money problems, and ANY kind of problem that people face in living life…the difference is that they WANTED to STAY MARRIED…THEY HONORED the vows they took as they stood before God and friends and family.  They put GOD first in raising their family…they LIVED what they taught us…they gave us WINGS and let us make mistakes while all the time being around to catch us WHEN we needed it…they did NOT do everything for us as adults because they KNEW that would NOT help us one bit, BUT they were there to HELP us…They allowed us to FIGURE out our own work schedules and meals so that when they left us, we would NOT be lost and unable to do these things…they allowed us to solve our own money troubles, just like they had done…We were TAUGHT to be self-sufficient, BUT NEVER EVER were we ALONE…

Today, I am THANKFUL for the WISDOM of my Parents.  I am GRATEFUL for their love…I am appreciative of their Encouragement…I am above all else, SO BLESSED for the LIFE they gave me.

I love you and miss you SO MUCH, My sweet Mother and Daddy…~charlotte♥

 I Call this My Anti-Pasta Pasta Salad...WHY?  Because it has all my favorite things from an Anti-Pasta Tray thrown into Pasta...FUNNY, huh??!! 

Bow Tie Pasta, Cooked according to Directions

Marinated Artichoke Hearts (whole jar, drained)

Roasted Red Bell Peppers (half jar, chopped and drained)

Mild Banana Pepper Rings (Half jar, chopped and drained)

One Medium sized Sweet Onion, thinly sliced

Pepperoni (I often use the mini-pepperoni, but if you use the regular, slice in half)

Fat-Free Italian Dressing~~your FAVORITE Brand (about half a bottle)

Salt, to taste

Freshly grated Parmesan Cheese

Just add as much of EACH as you like…Feta Cheese is good in this, Black olives, but they aren’t so good after the first day, so add them before you eat it…


  1. Good morning Charlotte... that sounds delicious... but alot of salad...lol...hard to believe that time passes so quickly and yet you still miss them like it was yesterday... I love your little sign.. very sweet and a great message... xoxo

  2. Good morning, my friend. I always love seeing your adorable artwork! Thank you as well for your thoughtful post. They always make me think and remember things!

    I grew up in the inner city of Chicago in the 60's. The big issues there were "busing". There were school boycotts and I remember being about 8 and marching the picket lines when school was cancelled because of protests. There were huge crowds and the high school was just a block and a half away from my house (the short, city blocks) and me and my friends wanted to see what was up. I remember thinking even back then "why are they upset because they have different colored skin? Aren't we always trying to tan?" It didn't make sense to me back then. It still doesn't make sense to me now. Racism is something I will NEVER understand. When I raised my children, I taught them that skin color was just like hair color or eye color. Each of us is unique and different. I am happy to say that both my kids have grown up with that attitude, and I am proud that they don't look at one race differently from another. That is how things should be.

    Thank you as always for sharing your insightful posts. The recipe looks wonderful as well. I love reading!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh my goodness! Now you have me craving my favorite pasta salad! LOL. I haven't made it enough to remember the recipe, though, as it's a friend's recipe. Hmmm. Maybe in a few weeks i'll be able to make me some. lol

  4. Loved reading this too. I thought people wouldn't believe the way I was raised along with my 13 siblings and YES I have all of my mothers recipes in a cookie tin, along with all her cookbooks. Can't cook so my brother has taken over the traditon. haha

  5. wonderful giveaway. that pasta looks yummy


Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world. In case you haven't been told, you are loved!~~charlotte♡