About Me

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I LOVE to design and to paint whimsical items that will put a smile on your face. Each day I share my simple life with you as I try to encourage, to inspire and sometimes JUST to make you smile as I recount my life growing up on a dairy farm! I've never had many material items in my life, BUT I have been blessed beyond words with love and encouragement from WONDERFUL Parents who instilled in me WHAT was important. I have had EVERYTHING that I needed and WAY too much of what I wanted. I am slowly learning to be a better person each day through my interactions with my friends on Facebook. Some day I hope to be as good as people seem to THINK I am! I am BLESSED! Welcome to my little corner of the world...Please stop by and visit often!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

MY NEW Adventure, Sunday, October 19, 2014

Breaking bread is an age old tradition.  The first thing that comes to my mind is the symbolism that I learned at a young age from Communion (The Lord’s Supper, The Eucharist) that the bread is a symbol of Christ’s Body that was broken for us…

We are told that MAN CANNOT live by bread alone, and there are hundreds of other sayings, BUT I have to tell you, WHEN you find someone that can MAKE GOOD BREAD, it would ALMOST be worth trying to live on it ALONE!  =)

My mother was a WONDERFUL cook, baker, artist of so many forms, and I was blessed to learn at the feet of a master craftsman.  We were encouraged from a young age to be creative and yes, she was tough on me as I got older because she told me “anything WORTH doing, is worth doing WELL.”  That could be why I tend to stay away from the things I KNOW I can’t do!  Making bread was one of them…cutting a chicken the PROPER way was the other…the cracking of those bones was TOO much for me to handle…sigh…

I was making the grocery list the other day and I wanted to make a recipe, so I opened this cookbook and was INSTANTLY intrigued by the note at the bottom of the page.

I quickly turned to that page and saw that Mother had made the changes to the recipe, as she often did.  She had mentioned that it was a good reference for the future and yes, I am so GLAD she did make the changes.  I have no clue WHY the changes were made, but as a lady who made DOZENS upon DOZENS loaves of bread, I trusted her instructions.

I quickly added the ingredients to my grocery list and thought…WHY NOT!!  Friday was the DAY that I awakened and KNEW it was the perfect day for a new adventure, so I got to measuring.  In the past, I had tried to make rolls ONCE with a boyfriend when I lived in Arkansas…after talking to Mother, we discovered that we KILLED the YEAST…WHO KNEW…SO, I started the adventure being VERY CAREFUL not to use water that was too hot!

The first step went well…and it was ACTUALLY bubbling, telling me that it was ALIVE!

The next step looked like an ultrasound of a baby…WELLLLL...it is MY BABY... ;)

YIKES…I should have worked JUST a bit to make it a little smoother…I didn’t know…

AND after rising, it didn’t look TOO BAD…

I must say, it wasn’t the UGLIEST that I ever saw…it looked edible…

Oh, but it cut so nicely and the texture was JUST like I remembered it…

WHY do we FIGHT over the end piece of homemade bread and NOBODY touches it when we buy it?  (Karalee????!!!!)

I toasted it and added some butter and YUM…I think I did REALLY WELL for the first time!  Mother would be proud of me, and yes, I WOULD gladly have given her the end piece just to spend another HAPPY moment with her…

Try something NEW this week…I believe that we LEARN by stretching our safety zones…I HOPE this will NOT be the last time I make Homemade bread…Enjoy the POSSIBILITIES that life holds for YOU…Blessings to YOU…~charlotte♥


  1. I used to make homemade bread more often! Maybe this winter I'll start again! I love the end, too! Will you share? heehee! Hugs!

  2. OF course I will share...LOL...I told my dog as I was making it that there was a GOOD possibility that he would have 3 loaves of bread to eat...NOW he is mad at me because I like it and he isn't getting it all...;D

  3. Congrats on your bread. I have yet to make homemade bread, for some reason it intimidates me.

  4. The pics of your finished bread made my mouth water. =) And if it were just you & me, there are 2 ends so we could each have one! Or in the case of this recipe, SIX ends & we could each have THREE!!! As for Charcoal...tuff luck puppy. LOL <3

  5. It looks yummy! I've never tried making bread without my bread machine. I really need to give it a try some time!


Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world. In case you haven't been told, you are loved!~~charlotte♡