
Saturday, April 14, 2018

Be Still..

Hey, y'all.

I hope you have had a happy week.

I have been ticking things off of my
TO DO list, and I am happy
with what I have done.

Sometimes, we need to remember to be kind to ourselves, and rejoice in what we get done, and just offer grace to ourselves for what we didn't do.

I had to make a run to town, this week,  and boy, where is everyone going in such a hurry?

At the grocery store, a man came swerving around the parking lot like an Indy car driver. Going home, I had to slam on my breaks to avoid a man hitting me head-on while he was passing another car, and the SUV behind me was so close on my bumper, I prayed for safety.

I admit, that I understand road rage, well, to a certain extent, and I remember always running to meet a deadline, but I tried to be safe and never put anyone's
 Life in danger...I tried to think of others.

When Daddy was so sick,
it was a lesson for me
to slow down.

I pushed him many places in a wheelchair, while he gained back his strength, and marveled at the rudeness
 Of so many people running to get in front of us, lest they have to slow down.

While I rejoiced when he was driving, again, oh, how I prayed for those behind him, but I also recognized that he had just as much of a right to be on that highway, as everybody else!
He paid his dues by living a good, honorable Life.

I was forced to slow down, and I am grateful for that lesson.

I often wish for others to experience a lesson in compassion, so they, too, can be better people.

We all need to stop, and listen.

In the silence,
we can pray to be
 bound to the heart of God.

When we wander, often the gifts of the Spirit disappear, too.
Our focus changes, and we lose our compassion, and kindness.

It takes work to live peacefully with others whose values are different, but we have much to learn from each other.

Thank y'all, for what you teach me.

You are my sunshine!

I am simply blessed
to create ~charlotte♡

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words. More and more I enjoy the quiet of my home and sweet pups. It's a safe place free from rude people and scary drivers. I am thankful for a God who watches over us.


Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world. In case you haven't been told, you are loved!~~charlotte♡