
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tutorial Tuesday: White Pumpkin Domino

I wanted to see if I could translate my White Pumpkin 
from a couple of weeks ago to a small domino.

So I gathered a few dominoes.

I slung a mix of Winter Blue mixed with an equal amount of DecoArt Paint Adhesion onto some Dominoes.
I usually do a bunch at a time, so I have them available 
when I get in the mood to paint them.

It doesn't matter what color you base them.  
I just wanted to get the Paint Adhesion painted onto 
the surface for a good adhesion.
After this is done, I can paint them any color that I wish.

This is after a coat of Winter Blue/Paint Adhesion.

Add the color you wish your background to be.
But today, I didn't use these.
This is for another top secret project...
Well, not really, but it sounded very secretive!

These are the colors I used for the project.
Oh, plus Titanium White.
(She was being Shy and didn't want to be photographed.)

I added the above colors to the surface using 
Dry Wall Tape as a stencil.
See the YUMMY Texture!

This shows the steps I do to free-hand a pumpkin.
I start with an oval in the center.
I add a "hump" on one side.
Then one on the other side.
Ok, it is more like half of an oval, instead of a "hump"

This is after 3 quick coats of Titanium White.

With a small flat brush (#4)
Load Titanium White on the brush
Pick up some Raw Sienna on the edge.
Work the paint into the brush by stoking it in the 
SAME PLACE on your pallet to blend the Raw Sienna 
into your brush.  You do NOT want the Raw Sienna 
to go all the way across the brush.  You want it to 
remain in that same spot that you loaded it.

The edge with the Raw Sienna is placed on the 
edge of the piece where you want it to be shaded.

This shows the stages of shading, with the last pumpkin 
showing the shading as complete.

I added the stems with Raw Sienna.
I painted 3 different stems to show you that it 
doesn't matter how you paint them.
Stems are imperfect in nature, so reflect it in your painting.
It is hard to tell, but I added some Hauser Light Green 
to the middle sections of each pumpkin.

With a 10/0 liner, I added Burnt Umber around the edges 
of the stem.  If it got too fake looking, I just blended it 
back with some more of the Raw Sienna.
I added a bit of Titanium White to the Raw Sienna to 
add a highlight to the top of the stem.

Again, it is really tough to tell, But I added some of the amazing 
White Pearl Dazzling Metallics to the Pumpkins. 
 It is really cool in person.
Curling Stems were added to the bottom of the stem 
with the Burnt Umber and the 10/0 liner.

The STARS of the Show!

I dabbed (not brushed) a good deal of the Crackle Medium 
around the pumpkin.
I allowed it to air dry for an hour.
See the shimmer on the Pumpkin from the Dazzling Metallic.

I brushed Deep Midnight blue around the Pumpkin.
I wiped it off with a damp cloth.
Isn't this exciting.
Cheryl Jones--Where are YOU?!!

The domino on the left shows the Deep Midnight blue 
before it was wiped off.

Isn't this FUN!!
Now, should I write a word across the top?

I love playing!!

I wish you a happy week and hope you get to play, too!

I am simply blessed to create~charlotte♡


  1. Very Cool looking!! ;-)
    Looks great Charlotte!!

  2. Love it Charlotte!! great playing!! Thanks!!

  3. Love these... will be making some into magnets soon.


Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world. In case you haven't been told, you are loved!~~charlotte♡