
Monday, April 6, 2015

Barbadora's Bunnies...Monday, April 6, 2015

I cut the wood from 3/4 inch Pine...Oh how I am sure it frustrated Daddy to explain that 1 inch wood was NOT one inch...WHY???

FIRST of all, I want to apologize for misspelling Lynn's last name in the pictures...I KNOW better and I am TOO lazy to redo the pictures...sowwy, Lynn, BUT for some reason, I BET I am not the FIRST one to misspell it, says the girl whose first name has been SLAUGHTERED so many times that I have lost count! I don't think my Aunt Polly EVER learned how to spell my name...sigh...I am just NAUGHTY...

NOW on to the FUN PART...

Now, I am feeling guilty since I didn't want to re-edit my pictures BECAUSE I shared with you how GENEROUS Lynn was in sending me a box FULL of goodies!!

In this box were 3 of her patterns and I could NOT wait to get them cut and painted...SO I did!!

JUST BECAUSE Easter is over, the BUNNY SEASON continues!

This is one of my favorite techniques for making something look Primitive...using candle wax between the layers!

 I am so lucky that I can cut my own wood...It wasn't something that I ever planned to do, because I am TERRIFIED of loud noises...

When I was small, my parents took me and the middle child to be on the BOZO show...I was chosen for a game and IF tapes exist, it would WIN America's Funniest Videos ( I the ONLY one who thinks that FEW of those Videos are FUNNY...guess they haven't seen a life lived like mine...)

The game was the one where you tie a balloon on a string around your ankle and try to be the LAST one remaining without their balloon popped...GOSH, there could NOT have been a more nightmarish game for me to be chosen to participate!  I can still remember standing with my fingers in my ears, with LITTLE interest in trying to pop ANYONE's balloon...

I was ALSO afraid that Romper Room would call MY NAME at the end of the show...COULD I have ISSUES for some reason???!!!

Oh, Well...Daddy had always cut my wood for me and when he got sick, I had orders for some hearts and I made an attempt to cut them with the band saw...LORD HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL...I was a NATURAL at pulling that blade RIGHT off track and I was SO GIFTED with not being able to put it back on...ugh!!!!

When Daddy died, I became very good at using a jigsaw...You would be amazed at the small stuff I could figure out how to cut with that thing!!  BUT, I also faced the reality that I would not be able to do what I had always done, so I thought I would just give up made me sad, but I was sad anyway...

The Christmas after Daddy died, Mother gave me some money and I really didn't KNOW what I was going to buy with it.  I had gone into Lowe's and was looking for something, SO I just wandered over to the power tools, a habit from being a Daddy's girl and I found a scroll saw that was one sale for an AMAZING price...the AMOUNT Mother gave me would COVER it.  I found a man who worked with tools and at the store asked him several questions and he was so kind and helpful.  I decided that I WOULD take it and he went to find one ONLY to discover they had no more, SO I asked IF he would sell the display at a DISCOUNT to me...He found the manager and I went home with a NEW Scroll Saw!!  It took a little bit for me to get up the nerve to try it, but slowly, with time, I learned how to use it and I am SO THANKFUL...I STILL use the CUT and PRAY method because when that blade breaks, I LAUGH at ME for being afraid (another possible video moment)

Isn't this the most lovely scene?  It has most of MY favorite things all in this one little painting!
 Sometimes we NEED to be pushed out of our comfort zones to FIND what we are CAPABLE of doing...NO, we don't like it, but OFTEN we surprise ourselves!

I LOVE that the tag was painted onto the design instead of being added...I used some antique buttons to add to the penny's
 I am SO THANKFUL for the people that have been placed into my life.  I have learned so much from being in their circle of friendship...NO, I will PROBABLY never meet most of them, but they are TRUE Friends!

I have learned techniques and have embraced the different style of painting that exist!  Very few days pass that I am not in awe of the talent of my friends...

I SURE HOPE they all know that I appreciate them...

This is the finished SPRING THYME IS HARE....
Click HERE to buy this pattern as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD.

Click HERE to go to Lynn's Etsy shop for ALL of her patterns
Click HERE to go visit Lynn's is one of the BEST that I have seen!

This is a BIG BOY!!  I painted him with 
Chalky Finish Paint by DecoArt (of course)

Click HERE to purchase the PATTERN for Sir Hopsalot!!  He is so easy and FUN!!

The PATTERN for Mr. Bobtail can be purchased by clicking HERE

Thank you, LYNN...I HOPE you know how special these gifts were to me and how they helped to INSPIRE me to be creative...

ALWAYS take time to do SOMETHING that YOU LOVE...We have been given our gifts for a REASON...GOD KNEW the importance of resting and being refreshed...He did NOT create us to work around the clock...

Thank YOU for stopping by my little corner of the world...YOU are LOVED and appreciated and I am THANKFUL that you took just a few minutes to spend with silly ole me...
...Blessings to YOU...~charlotte


  1. I'm so glad you had fun with the patterns Ms Charlotte. You did an awesome job with them! I'm in awe of people who can cut there own wood.....I am so afraid of the saw.....I can't even watch Pete when he uses his! And about the NAME SLAUGHTER...your not the first and I'm sure you won't be the last,,,,,,,you wouldn't believe all the variations I have seen of it!! One of the funniest that I have seen is FIRST name Barbara LAST name Dora !

  2. Well well now Charlotte you did an amazing job I love that rabbit you painted with the penny's on it !! I am so lucky to have one of lynn's rabbits she sent to me
    Hugs to you both ms Barbara Dora :) and Roma too :)

  3. and was there Chocolate in that box ?

  4. So cute Charlotte.. so nice of Lynn to send you her patterns... you did a great job on them... do you have any idea how many variations there is to Kathy??? hmmmm Katie Kow comes to mind... lol love everything..xo

  5. Wow. Those are amazing. Your work is beautiful.


Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world. In case you haven't been told, you are loved!~~charlotte♡